- Doctor Consultation Services in Southern California
- Wound Care in Southern California
- Referrals to specialists services in Southern california
- Care plan oversight – CPO
- Evaluation For Home Health
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Orders
- Annual Physical Exam in Southern California
- Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups
- Prescription Refill
- Diagnostic Referrals
- Laboratory works
- Telemedicine
What is Annual Physical Exams?
Annual Physical Exam is the best way to identify the current situation of your body’s health condition. It throws more light on the physical condition of your body supported by data provided from various tests taken during the Annual Physical Exams. For Example – Checking sugar & glucose levels in your blood through Diabetes Screening which is part of the annual physical exam. If the person is diagnosed with diabetes right in the beginning stage, it becomes easier for the physician to reverse the condition.
Prevention is better than cure – it is an adage which is told to people quite often but to prevent one needs to identify what to prevent specifically and this is where the Annual physical Exams come into play.
Is Annual Physical Exam compulsory in the state of California?
No, the Annual Physical Exam is not compulsory and there is no state law requiring people to get it done. However, it is recommended by physicians to the public to get an annual physical checkup done to ensure they know the condition of their health.
The human body is a perfectly assembled natural machine activated by life, operating on this planet. It automatically accustoms itself according to the habitat and lifestyle, it can easily be affected if not maintained well. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, to detect ailments, diseases or any types of infections quite in the early stages, a health checkup becomes inevitable.
The benefits of Annual Physical Exam
- It helps to identify ailments, disease or health complications quite early
- It builds a sense of discipline in people. Once they know what they have to do they can be focused and follow physicians’ instructions to stay healthy.
- It helps the individual be more confident in life
- Knowing your body helps you take ownership of life
- Stay healthy
- Stay Positive
- Tale actionable steps to prevent growth of disease or medical conditions
Are you ready for your Annual Physical Exam?
Physical Exam
Review your medical and family history
Take routine measurements such as for height, weight & blood pressure
Assess risk factors for preventable diseases
Perform lung, head and neck, abdominal and neurological exams
Check reflexes and vital signs
Take urine and blood samples and submit for lab testing
Medicare Wellness Visit
Review your medical and family history
Take routine measurements such as for height, weight & blood pressure
Create or update a list of medical providers and prescription drugs
Make a schedule for preventative screenings
Test for cognitive wellness
Offer personalized health advice
FAQs About Annual Physical Exams
For a trusted partner in your healthcare journey, book your annual physical exam today with LHCMG.
Phone: 714-784-5433
Visit us at: 505 N. Tustin Ave, Suite 190, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Medical History Review
Routine Measurements
Cognitive Health Testing
Preventive Screening Schedule
Prescription Review
Comprehensive Physical Exam
Lab Testing
Annual Physical Exam
- (Height, Weight, Blood Pressure)
Medicare Wellness Visit
- (Height, Weight, Blood Pressure)