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Laboratory Test near you Southern California
We help and manage the clinical laboratory to run tests on patients that pertain to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. Although the laboratory is within the hospital, it generally does other testing aside from tests conducted for the hospital.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
Complete Blood Count
Prothrombin Time
Also known as PT and Pro Time, this test measures how long it takes blood to clot. This coagulation test measures the presence and activity of five different blood clotting factors. This test can screen for bleeding abnormalities, and may also be used to monitor medication treatments that prevent the formation of blood clots.
Basic Metabolic Panel
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
This test combines the Basic Metabolic Panel with six more tests for a more comprehensive evaluation of metabolic functions, with a focus on organ systems.
Lipid Panel
Liver Panel
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Hemoglobin A1C
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.
The different purposes for which laboratory tests are ordered (diagnosis, monitoring therapy, and screening) and the operating characteristics required for each purpose.