- Doctor Consultation Services in Southern California
- Wound Care in Southern California
- Referrals to specialists services in Southern california
- Care plan oversight – CPO
- Evaluation For Home Health
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Orders
- Annual Physical Exam in Southern California
- Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups
- Prescription Refill
- Diagnostic Referrals
- Laboratory works
- Telemedicine
Diagnostic Referral in Southern California
What is a Diagnostic Referral?
A diagnostic referral is a written request from one health professional, mostly the primary care physician (PCP) to another health professional, mostly a specialist or health service often provider of services like x-rays, CT’s, asking them to diagnose or treat you for a particular condition.
Example: The Primary Care Physician suspects a block in the arteries of your heart, he refers you to take an Angio which is performed by a specialist and this process is called the Diagnostic Referrals.
How is Urgent Care involved in Diagnostic Referral?
Patients go to urgent care or invite a specialist from the urgent care to their homes when they feel they need to address a medical condition. It may be an emergency however it isn’t life threatening. After the PCP performs a checkup if he feels that the patient needs to undergo some tests or if he thinks he can sort the opinion of a specialist then the patient is sent to another specialist.
Diagnostic Referral – Our Approach
- Inform the patient.
- Share information with the receiving doctor.
- Document patient referrals.
- Manage the patient referral process
Frequently Asked Questions
At LHCMG, our priority is to ensure you receive the highest standard of care, whether through our primary care services or referrals to trusted specialists. For more information about our referral process or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.
Phone: 714-784-5433
Visit us at: 505 N. Tustin Ave, Suite 190, Santa Ana, CA 92705