- Doctor Consultation Services in Southern California
- Wound Care in Southern California
- Referrals to specialists services in Southern california
- Care plan oversight – CPO
- Evaluation For Home Health
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Orders
- Annual Physical Exam in Southern California
- Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups
- Prescription Refill
- Diagnostic Referrals
- Laboratory works
- Telemedicine
Our Approach to In-Home Care in Southern California
Evaluation For Home Health
Evaluation of Home Health is an important check carried out by a licensed nursing practitioner who evaluates the conduciveness of the home, psychological comfort of the patient and available resources to offer seamless treatment for the patient.
Hospice services at home
Hospice services at home are an opportunity to create comfortable conditions for a patient and at the same time provide the necessary treatment. We understand that the physical condition of a person is important as well as his psychological mood. It is always better and more pleasant to be in the native walls, surrounded by loved ones, than in an unfamiliar place with strangers.
Every patient wants to receive highly qualified medical care as well as enjoy a high level of service. One of the main features of our service is that we pay due attention not only directly to patients but also to their relatives. It is the latter who often need psychological support. Thanks to hospice services from our specialists, everyone will feel comfort and care!
We are here to help patients in difficult life circumstances. Our hospice services involve employees visiting your home, surrounding a patient with care, and providing him/her with medical help. Our nurses and professional doctors, whose experience reaches 25 years, provide 24/7 comfort to a patient. We also guarantee peace of mind for a patient’s relatives, who understand that their loved one is in complete safety.
Checklist for Evaluating Hospice Programs.
Once you make the decision to seek hospice care, make your search easier by using this checklist to find out about different programs. Add to it as you think of items that are important to you, and cross off those items that are not useful.
Make a copy of this checklist for each program that you plan to consider.
Have the list in front of you as you ask questions to the hospice program staff and make notes next to each item on your list.