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Prescription Refill for patients in Southern California
How does filling a prescription work?
Once you get a prescription from your provider, you may buy the medicine in different ways. The most common place for filling a prescription is at a local pharmacy. Some pharmacies are located inside of a grocery or large “chain” store. It is best to fill all prescriptions with the same pharmacy.
Life Health Care Medical Group offers both online prescription refills and prescription refills at the desired pharmacy. We also offer recommendations on nearby pharmacy and online helplines to the patient or the caregivers who can get the supplies quite conveniently.
How does filling a prescription work?
Once you get a prescription from your provider, you may buy the medicine in different ways. The most common place for filling a prescription is at a local pharmacy. Some pharmacies are located inside of a grocery or large “chain” store. It is best to fill all prescriptions with the same pharmacy.
Life Health Care Medical Group helps facilitate the service for our patients.
Refilling your prescription
A refill means when your prescription gets low, you can order a new supply of medicine without having to request a new prescription from your prescriber. Some prescriptions don’t come with refills because your prescriber may feel you only need a certain amount to feel better.
Are you running low on your medical Supplies?
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A refill means when your prescription gets low, you can order a new supply of medicine without having to request a new prescription from your prescriber. Some prescriptions don’t come with refills because your prescriber may feel you only need a certain amount to feel better.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can very well drop into our Life Health Care center to refill your medicines, however we also supply the same at your doorstep.
At times yes. Some medicines may not require refills after a certain period of time. If there is a need then the patient must get the updated prescription from the Primary care physician
At LHCMG, our priority is to ensure you receive the highest standard of care, whether through our primary care services or referrals to trusted specialists. For more information about our referral process or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.
Phone: 714-784-5433
Visit us at: 505 N. Tustin Ave, Suite 190, Santa Ana, CA 92705