- Doctor Consultation Services in Southern California
- Wound Care in Southern California
- Referrals to specialists services in Southern california
- Care plan oversight – CPO
- Evaluation For Home Health
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Orders
- Annual Physical Exam in Southern California
- Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups
- Prescription Refill
- Diagnostic Referrals
- Laboratory works
- Telemedicine
Do you know how crucial it is to get patients to immerse themselves in their own care?
Here are four key steps to help maintain effective communication and support ongoing care after discharge.
Step One: Help the Patient and Family Understand the Diagnosis.
Step Two: Ensure the Patient and Family Are Committed to the Care Plan.
Step Three: Keep the Patient and Family Actively Involved in Care Transitions.
Step Four: Leverage Technology to Continue Patient Oversight.

If you are looking for an expert to guide, you on this – Contact LHCMG Today!
Benefits of involving Life Health Care MG’s Experts in the discharge process:
To ensure a seamless transition from hospital discharge to recovery our experts have a checklist to be followed, and this is for the well-being of the patient.
Double Check on Discharge Instructions
- Patient must ensure to get a copy of the discharge summary from the hospital
- Go through the medication list and the process of dosage
- Note down clearly restrictions of any activities (climbing stairs, carrying weights, walking fast etc…)
- Make a note of any warning signs or signals that needs to be brought to the attention of the PCP
Organize Follow-Up Appointments
- With 7-14 days after discharge arrange for an appointment with the primary care physician – PCP
- Life Health Care Medical Group will be with you in this journey from Discharge to Recovery in case you need care outside regular office hours or in case you can’t reach your PCP
- LHCMG will assign a specialist caregiver to attend to you whenever you feel it’s much needed or urgent.
- Do check with your insurance both primary and secondary to see if it covers urgent care visits.
Be prepared to visit Urgent care
- Plan your visits to Urgent Care if needed
- With Life Health Care MG, we can visit you at the comfort of your home or hospice too
- Keep all your medical records intact every time you meet the specialist
4. Monitor your recovery process
- Keep a tab of your recovery process
- Communicate symptoms, medication side effects or pain to your PCP or to the specialist at Urgent Care
- Communicate any positive developments of healing to your PCP and to the specialist too
- Ensure you attend all the scheduled Doctor’s visits without fail.
Book an appointment now!
- Ask the patient to explain:
- His/her goals for visit.
- What factors contributed to hospital admission or ED visit.
- What medications he/she is taking and on what schedule.
- Perform medication reconciliation with attention to the pre-hospital regimen.
- Determine the need to:
- Adjust medications or dosage;
- Follow up on test results;
- Do monitoring or testing;
- Discuss advance directives;
- Discuss specific future treatments (POLST).
- Instruct patient in self-management; have patient repeat back.
- Explain warning signs and how to respond; have patient repeat back.
- Provide instructions for seeking emergency and no-emergency after-hours care.
- Print reconciled, dated medication list and provide a copy to the patient, family caregiver, home health care nurse, and case manager (if appropriate).
- Communicate revisions to the care plan to the family care givers, health care nurses, and case managers (if appropriate). Consider skilled home health care or other supportive services.
- Ensure that the next appointment is made.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: The primary care physician of the patient studies the progress of the patient’s medical condition post-surgery. The PCP will then suggest medication accordingly, they may alter the medication depending on the medical recovery condition of the patient.
At LHCMG, our priority is to ensure you receive the highest standard of care, whether through our primary care services or referrals to trusted specialists. For more information about our referral process or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.
Phone: 714-784-5433
Visit us at: 505 N. Tustin Ave, Suite 190, Santa Ana, CA 92705