
Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups

4 steps to maintaining communication after discharge
It’s no secret that engaging patients in their care is essential to supporting care quality, increasing patient satisfaction and, ultimately, achieving positive patient outcomes. However, when the patient leaves the hospital, it can be challenging to sustain patient engagement, especially when it comes to maintaining communication and overseeing care continuity.
Despite the changing healthcare environment, hospitals and post-acute providers remain relatively disconnected from one another, making patients and their families primarily responsible for following care plans developed in the acute setting. As such, engaging patients and their support system in post-acute care is paramount to maintaining the patient’s recovery or chronic disease management and limiting the potential for avoidable readmissions.
Though patient and family engagement can be tough once a patient is “out of sight,” hospitals can pursue the following four steps to facilitate communication, continue oversight and ensure patients follow their care plans.
Checklist for Post-Hospital Follow-Up Visits
Prior to the Visit
During the Visit
At the Conclusion of the Visit

    Prior to the Visit

    During the Visit

    At the Conclusion of the Visit