- Doctor Consultation Services in Southern California
- Wound Care in Southern California
- Referrals to specialists services in Southern california
- Care plan oversight – CPO
- Evaluation For Home Health
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Orders
- Annual Physical Exam in Southern California
- Post Hospital Discharge and Follow Ups
- Prescription Refill
- Diagnostic Referrals
- Laboratory works
- Telemedicine
Care Plan Oversight - CPO
Care Plan Oversight (CPO) refers to a physician’s supervision of patients under care of home health agencies or hospices who require complex or multidisciplinary care modalities.
CPO is the physician supervision of patients under either the home health or hospice benefit where the patient requires complex or multi-disciplinary care requiring ongoing physician involvement.
Physicians reviewing charts, reports and treatment plans; reviewing diagnostic studies if the review is not part of an E/M service; Discussing with other health care professionals who are not part of the practice but are involved in the patient’s care; conducting team conferences; discussing drug treatment and interactions (not routine prescription renewals) with a pharmacist; coordinating care if physician or non-physician practitioner time is required; or making and implementing changes to the treatment plan, is all part of CPO
Note: Such services are not covered for patients of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), nursing home facilities or hospitals.